Unique, Evansville-centric Products

Made In Evansville

Evansville residents radiate a homegrown attitude and a commanding sense of local pride. The unique products, services, ideas and people “made” right here in Evansville, compel recognition. The authenticity of this caliber led the Evansville Design Group (EDG), a non-profit dedicated to design in the community, to create the Made in Evansville campaign. These designs inspired by or even directly printed from vintage logos, labels and advertisements showcase the history of what we’re made of and how it continues inspiring us today.

To date, MiE has collaborated with the following community initiatives in support of their missions and to foster community awareness. OWEN BLOCK BUILDING RENOVATION, FALL FESTIVAL, WILLIARD LIBRARY, EVANSVILLE TRAILS COALITION.

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Made in Evansville

Made in Evansville is the fundraising component of the Evansville Design Group. Our mission is two-fold...
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Design for Good

The Design for Good program creates an opportunity for local designers to collaborate and positively impact the community by assisting local non-profit organizations with a design project.
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