most useful synonyms

posted on: October 19, 2020

Thank you so much! 110 synonyms of most from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 68 related words, definitions, and antonyms. For example, the words smart and wise. We do not yet have any practical way to prevent cancer. , they have helped me in my research very much, thanks a lot for these words which really helped me, i am a director these words are commonly use full, This website is fascinating and it has really helped me a lot i can do with this website for my studies and so should you, i was exploring the new words for frequently used words… exploration ends here. Reply. Find another word for useful. Useful: capable of being put to use or account. many thanks! What is the meaning of useful? worthwhile. Antibiotics are effective against this organism. Understand most common meaning and enrich your vocabulary Join our early testers! A padlock is a lock which is used for fastening two things together . Japsimar Singh says : May 22, 2017 at 18:07. Keep in mind that some synonyms in the list below might not be “perfect” synonyms – there may be slight differences in meaning and connotation. Amazing — incredible, unbelievable, improbable, fabulous, wonderful, fantastic, astonishing, astounding, extraordinary, Anger — enrage, infuriate, arouse, nettle, exasperate, inflame, madden, Angry — mad, furious, enraged, excited, wrathful, indignant, exasperated, aroused, inflamed, Answer — reply, respond, retort, acknowledge, Ask– — question, inquire of, seek information from, put a question to, demand, request, expect, inquire, query, interrogate, examine, quiz, Awful — dreadful, terrible, abominable, bad, poor, unpleasant, Bad — evil, immoral, wicked, corrupt, sinful, depraved, rotten, contaminated, spoiled, tainted, harmful, injurious, unfavorable, defective, inferior, imperfect, substandard, faulty, improper, inappropriate, unsuitable, disagreeable, unpleasant, cross, nasty, unfriendly, irascible, horrible, atrocious, outrageous, scandalous, infamous, wrong, noxious, sinister, putrid, snide, deplorable, dismal, gross, heinous, nefarious, base, obnoxious, detestable, despicable, contemptible, foul, rank, ghastly, execrable, Beautiful — pretty, lovely, handsome, attractive, gorgeous, dazzling, splendid, magnificent, comely, fair, ravishing, graceful, elegant, fine, exquisite, aesthetic, pleasing, shapely, delicate, stunning, glorious, heavenly, resplendent, radiant, glowing, blooming, sparkling, Begin — start, open, launch, initiate, commence, inaugurate, originate, Big — enormous, huge, immense, gigantic, vast, colossal, gargantuan, large, sizable, grand, great, tall, substantial, mammoth, astronomical, ample, broad, expansive, spacious, stout, tremendous, titanic, mountainous, Brave — courageous, fearless, dauntless, intrepid, plucky, daring, heroic, valorous, audacious, bold, gallant, valiant, doughty, mettlesome, Break — fracture, rupture, shatter, smash, wreck, crash, demolish, atomize, Bright — shining, shiny, gleaming, brilliant, sparkling, shimmering, radiant, vivid, colorful, lustrous, luminous, incandescent, intelligent, knowing, quick-witted, smart, intellectual, Calm — quiet, peaceful, still, tranquil, mild, serene, smooth, composed, collected, unruffled, level-headed, unexcited, detached, aloof, Come — approach, advance, near, arrive, reach, Cool — chilly, cold, frosty, wintry, icy, frigid, Crooked — bent, twisted, curved, hooked, zigzag, Cry — shout, yell, yowl, scream, roar, bellow, weep, wail, sob, bawl, Cut — gash, slash, prick, nick, sever, slice, carve, cleave, slit, chop, crop, lop, reduce, Dangerous — perilous, hazardous, risky, uncertain, unsafe, Dark — shadowy, unlit, murky, gloomy, dim, dusky, shaded, sunless, black, dismal, sad, Decide — determine, settle, choose, resolve, Definite — certain, sure, positive, determined, clear, distinct, obvious, Delicious — savory, delectable, appetizing, luscious, scrumptious, palatable, delightful, enjoyable, toothsome, exquisite, Describe — portray, characterize, picture, narrate, relate, recount, represent, report, record, Destroy — ruin, demolish, raze, waste, kill, slay, end, extinguish, Difference — disagreement, inequity, contrast, dissimilarity, incompatibility, Do — execute, enact, carry out, finish, conclude, effect, accomplish, achieve, attain, Dull — boring, tiring„ tiresome, uninteresting, slow, dumb, stupid, unimaginative, lifeless, dead, insensible, tedious, wearisome, listless, expressionless, plain, monotonous, humdrum, dreary, Eager — keen, fervent, enthusiastic, involved, interested, alive to, End — stop, finish, terminate, conclude, close, halt, cessation, discontinuance, Enjoy — appreciate, delight in, be pleased, indulge in, luxuriate in, bask in, relish, devour, savor, like, Explain — elaborate, clarify, define, interpret, justify, account for, Fair — just, impartial, unbiased, objective, unprejudiced, honest, Fall — drop, descend, plunge, topple, tumble, False — fake, fraudulent, counterfeit, spurious, untrue, unfounded, erroneous, deceptive, groundless, fallacious, Famous — well-known, renowned, celebrated, famed, eminent, illustrious, distinguished, noted, notorious, Fast — quick, rapid, speedy, fleet, hasty, snappy, mercurial, swiftly, rapidly, quickly, snappily, speedily, lickety-split, posthaste, hastily, expeditiously, like a flash, Fat — stout, corpulent, fleshy, beefy, paunchy, plump, full, rotund, tubby, pudgy, chubby, chunky, burly, bulky, elephantine, Fear — fright, dread, terror, alarm, dismay, anxiety, scare, awe, horror, panic, apprehension, Fly — soar, hover, flit, wing, flee, waft, glide, coast, skim, sail, cruise, Funny — humorous, amusing, droll, comic, comical, laughable, silly, Get — acquire, obtain, secure, procure, gain, fetch, find, score, accumulate, win, earn, rep, catch, net, bag, derive, collect, gather, glean, pick up, accept, come by, regain, salvage, Go — recede, depart, fade, disappear, move, travel, proceed, Good — excellent, fine, superior, wonderful, marvelous, qualified, suited, suitable, apt, proper, capable, generous, kindly, friendly, gracious, obliging, pleasant, agreeable, pleasurable, satisfactory, well-behaved, obedient, honorable, reliable, trustworthy, safe, favorable, profitable, advantageous, righteous, expedient, helpful, valid, genuine, ample, salubrious, estimable, beneficial, splendid, great, noble, worthy, first-rate, top-notch, grand, sterling, superb, respectable, edifying, Great — noteworthy, worthy, distinguished, remarkable, grand, considerable, powerful, much, mighty, Gross — improper, rude, coarse, indecent, crude, vulgar, outrageous, extreme, grievous, shameful, uncouth, obscene, low, Happy — pleased, contented, satisfied, delighted, elated, joyful, cheerful, ecstatic, jubilant, gay, tickled, gratified, glad, blissful, overjoyed, Hate — despise, loathe, detest, abhor, disfavor, dislike, disapprove, abominate, Have — hold, possess, own, contain, acquire, gain, maintain, believe, bear, beget, occupy, absorb, fill, enjoy, Help — aid, assist, support, encourage, back, wait on, attend, serve, relieve, succor, benefit, befriend, abet, Hide — conceal, cover, mask, cloak, camouflage, screen, shroud, veil, Hurry — rush, run, speed, race, hasten, urge, accelerate, bustle, Hurt — damage, harm, injure, wound, distress, afflict, pain, Idea — thought, concept, conception, notion, understanding, opinion, plan, view, belief, Important — necessary, vital, critical, indispensable, valuable, essential, significant, primary, principal, considerable, famous, distinguished, notable, well-known, Interesting — fascinating, engaging, sharp, keen, bright, intelligent, animated, spirited, attractive, inviting, intriguing, provocative, though-provoking, challenging, inspiring, involving, moving, titillating, tantalizing, exciting, entertaining, piquant, lively, racy, spicy, engrossing, absorbing, consuming, gripping, arresting, enthralling, spellbinding, curious, captivating, enchanting, bewitching, appealing, Keep — hold, retain, withhold, preserve, maintain, sustain, support, Kill — slay, execute, assassinate, murder, destroy, cancel, abolish, Lazy — indolent, slothful, idle, inactive, sluggish, Little — tiny, small, diminutive, shrimp, runt, miniature, puny, exiguous, dinky, cramped, limited, itsy-bitsy, microscopic, slight, petite, minute, Look — gaze, see, glance, watch, survey, study, seek, search for, peek, peep, glimpse, stare, contemplate, examine, gape, ogle, scrutinize, inspect, leer, behold, observe, view, witness, perceive, spy, sight, discover, notice, recognize, peer, eye, gawk, peruse, explore, Love — like, admire, esteem, fancy, care for, cherish, adore, treasure, worship, appreciate, savor, Make — create, originate, invent, beget, form, construct, design, fabricate, manufacture, produce, build, develop, do, effect, execute, compose, perform, accomplish, earn, gain, obtain, acquire, get, Mark — label, tag, price, ticket, impress, effect, trace, imprint, stamp, brand, sign, note, heed, notice, designate, Mischievous — prankish, playful, naughty, roguish, waggish, impish, sportive, Move — plod, go, creep, crawl, inch, poke, drag, toddle, shuffle, trot, dawdle, walk, traipse, mosey, jog, plug, trudge, slump, lumber, trail, lag, run, sprint, trip, bound, hotfoot, high-tail, streak, stride, tear, breeze, whisk, rush, dash, dart, bolt, fling, scamper, scurry, skedaddle, scoot, scuttle, scramble, race, chase, hasten, hurry, hump, gallop, lope, accelerate, stir, budge, travel, wander, roam, journey, trek, ride, spin, slip, glide, slide, slither, coast, flow, sail, saunter, hobble, amble, stagger, paddle, slouch, prance, straggle, meander, perambulate, waddle, wobble, pace, swagger, promenade, lunge, Moody — temperamental, changeable, short-tempered, glum, morose, sullen, mopish, irritable, testy, peevish, fretful, spiteful, sulky, touchy, Neat — clean, orderly, tidy, trim, dapper, natty, smart, elegant, well-organized, super, desirable, spruce, shipshape, well-kept, shapely, New — fresh, unique, original, unusual, novel, modern, current, recent, Old — feeble, frail, ancient, weak, aged, used, worn, dilapidated, ragged, faded, broken-down, former, old-fashioned, outmoded, passe, veteran, mature, venerable, primitive, traditional, archaic, conventional, customary, stale, musty, obsolete, extinct, Part — portion, share, piece, allotment, section, fraction, fragment, Place — space, area, spot, plot, region, location, situation, position, residence, dwelling, set, site, station, status, state, Plan — plot, scheme, design, draw, map, diagram, procedure, arrangement, intention, device, contrivance, method, way, blueprint, Popular — well-liked, approved, accepted, favorite, celebrated, common, current, Predicament — quandary, dilemma, pickle, problem, plight, spot, scrape, jam, Put — place, set, attach, establish, assign, keep, save, set aside, effect, achieve, do, build, Quiet — silent, still, soundless, mute, tranquil, peaceful, calm, restful, Right — correct, accurate, factual, true, good, just, honest, upright, lawful, moral, proper, suitable, apt, legal, fair, Run — race, speed, hurry, hasten, sprint, dash, rush, escape, elope, flee, Say/Tell — inform, notify, advise, relate, recount, narrate, explain, reveal, disclose, divulge, declare, command, order, bid, enlighten, instruct, insist, teach, train, direct, issue, remark, converse, speak, affirm, suppose, utter, negate, express, verbalize, voice, articulate, pronounce, deliver, convey, impart, assert, state, allege, mutter, mumble, whisper, sigh, exclaim, yell, sing, yelp, snarl, hiss, grunt, snort, roar, bellow, thunder, boom, scream, shriek, screech, squawk, whine, philosophize, stammer, stutter, lisp, drawl, jabber, protest, announce, swear, vow, content, assure, deny, dispute, Scared — afraid, frightened, alarmed, terrified, panicked, fearful, unnerved, insecure, timid, shy, skittish, jumpy, disquieted, worried, vexed, troubled, disturbed, horrified, terrorized, shocked, petrified, haunted, timorous, shrinking, tremulous, stupefied, paralyzed, stunned, apprehensive, Show — display, exhibit, present, note, point to, indicate, explain, reveal, prove, demonstrate, expose, Slow — unhurried, gradual, leisurely, late, behind, tedious, slack, Stop — cease, halt, stay, pause, discontinue, conclude, end, finish, quit, Story — tale, myth, legend, fable, yarn, account, narrative, chronicle, epic, sage, anecdote, record, memoir, Strange — odd, peculiar, unusual, unfamiliar, uncommon, queer, weird, outlandish, curious, unique, exclusive, irregular, Take — hold, catch, seize, grasp, win, capture, acquire, pick, choose, select, prefer, remove, steal, lift, rob, engage, bewitch, purchase, buy, retract, recall, assume, occupy, consume, Tell — disclose, reveal, show, expose, uncover, relate, narrate, inform, advise, explain, divulge, declare, command, order, bid, recount, repeat, Think — judge, deem, assume, believe, consider, contemplate, reflect, mediate, Trouble — distress, anguish, anxiety, worry, wretchedness, pain, danger, peril, disaster, grief, misfortune, difficulty, concern, pains, inconvenience, exertion, effort, True — accurate, right, proper, precise, exact, valid, genuine, real, actual, trusty, steady, loyal, dependable, sincere, staunch, Ugly — hideous, frightful, frightening, shocking, horrible, unpleasant, monstrous, terrifying, gross, grisly, ghastly, horrid, unsightly, plain, homely, evil, repulsive, repugnant, gruesome, Unhappy — miserable, uncomfortable, wretched, heart-broken, unfortunate, poor, downhearted, sorrowful, depressed, dejected, melancholy, glum, gloomy, dismal, discouraged, sad, Use — employ, utilize, exhaust, spend, expend, consume, exercise, Wrong — incorrect, inaccurate, mistaken, erroneous, improper, unsuitable, Tags: author, cambridge, commonly used, English, IELTS, synonym, thesaurus, toefl, vocabulary, word, words, write, writer, writing, thank you so much for this Synonyms for the 96 most commonly used words in English”. Reply. Another word for most useful. Top synonyms for most useful (other words for most useful) are very useful, extremely useful and very helpful. Create an account and sign in to access this FREE content.

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