oberon hallowed ground eidolon

posted on: October 19, 2020

Oberon causes the ground in to burn with righteous fire, dealing damage to enemies with a chance to proc the radiation status effect. Strength is useful but not mandatory for this build. Power Drift's job is to occasionally protect you from knockdown effects as well as to increase your healing capabilities and - in case you're using Smite Infusion - buff strength. Oberon’s fourth ability is Reckoning. Hey guys and today we’re going to take a look at the Hydroid Pilfering Swarm Build. Enemies will take Radiation damage over time and have a chance to be afflicted by a Radiation status effect. In my opinion, Oberon is not the best Eidolon healer. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This mod also passively increases Hallowed Ground's duration. So, all things considered, here are some builds you may want to try on your Oberon: Hey guys and today we’re gonna take a look at the Oberon Eidolon Hunter Build. While active, Renewal will also slowdown the bleedout timer of any incapacitated allies. tl;dr: Beginner friendly, just hit 2 and make grass around the boss. Oberon creates a field of grass, while Oberon Prime creates a field of ferns. The small patches do not count toward Hallowed Eruption's one patch limit; they neither remove nor are removed by the main Hallowed Ground patch. Summoning multiple, overlapping layers of Hallowed Ground will deal the full combined damage over time to enemies. ハイレベルでバランスが取れていてすごく使いやすいです Then I’m using Prime Flow so I can bank a ton of energy and just pop Renewal and keep it on throughout the entire fight. Warframe Hallowed Eruption Oberon Augment Is it worth it? PS4版のほうもFORTUNAへの期待と疫病の星の最後の稼ぎで結構にぎわってます Now, the coolest thing about this Oberon build is that it’s not just limited to hunting the Eidolons. Then I’m using Power Drift and Transient Fortitude for some strength which means I provide more armor via Hallowed Ground if people are standing on it and I pop Renewal and it also makes Renewal heal me, my allies and the lures far more. And this is one of the reasons why Oberon is so good and has become a part of the meta squad for hunting the Eidolons - the immunity to magnetic products means that you are not going to lose energy every time the energy spike happens. Aura: In most squad setups, your go-to aura for Eidolons is Corrosive Projection. Additionally, this target is afflicted with a Radiation status effect, making it attack its allies. The projectiles will also stagger their target and inflict a Puncture status effect, reducing their damage for a short duration. The small patches do not receive Hallowed Eruption's duration bonus. WARFRAME Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Updated the following Augment Mods to replace the terminology ‘Proc’ with ‘Status’: Additional passive ability that adds 100% to Hallowed Ground duration, Always applies radiation status on detonation, Fixed missing sound effect when Hallowed Eruption is detonated. If cast in midair, Oberon will instantly drop to the ground to perform this ability. Beginner-Friendly Eidolon Team Support by Taurael, last updated on May 17, 2020. The targets of this ability take Radiation and Impact damage, are knocked down and are afflicted by a Radiation status effect. Protect the balance with this regal forest guardian. If you don't need the extra damage reduction, try Intensify (stronger heals + buffs) or Constitution (reduces energy consumption + better knockdown recovery). the Eidolon Gantulyst and the Eidolon Hydrolyst, Warframe Arbitrations: Lethal Alerts Guide, Affinity Mechanic – How to Level up Correctly. It may just require a little bit of forma on the regular Oberon. Just find a good spot to place your Hallowed Ground and watch everything die while running over it. (Oberon fighting enemies while Hallowed Ground is active) Range Build The range build aims to give Oberon a huge increase in range to allow him to cast his abilities from a great distance as well as have a huge area of effect with is abilities. You can add another regular Forma or Aura Forma if you want to. Several hallowed grounds can be active at the same time, each with its own duration, up to a set maximum amount. Enemies will take Radiation damage over time and have a chance to be afflicted by a Radiation status effect. And finally, some people also say that for them this is the easiest warframe to solo the Eidolons. Oberon releases healing energy that heals nearby allies and regenerates health over time. I can attest to the effectiveness of the builds. Enemies will traverse and fight through Hallowed Ground without any special attempts to evade its area of effect. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Allied pets get extra health, shields and armor and one instant revive per mission. Then if you pop out the Hallowed Ground every now and then any Eidolon Vomvalyst that flies on the Hallowed Ground will instantly get popped into the sort of ghost version of them. OBERONは攻撃、回復、バフ、CCとバランスの取れたアビリティを持っている男性型Warframe。, OBERON本体の設計図はマーケットから購入でき、パーツ設計図は全ての「エクシマス」タイプの敵が1%の確率でドロップし、そこから確率でいずれかの設計図が抽選されます。, 狙って集めるのは難しいと思いますが、エクシマスは普通のミッションにも出現するので、気にせず遊んでいればそのうち集まっているでしょう。, 4番の装甲値減少は、Corrosive Projectionと同じく引き算かつ重ねがけができ、さらに状態異常無効の敵の装甲もはがせます。, バランスよくステータスを上げて汎用性を高くしたビルド。このビルドだけで回復、CC、装甲値バフ、装甲剥がし、割合ダメージによる単体火力をこなせます。, 割合ダメージが強力な単体用のアビリティ。オーブがちゃんと当たれば3回前後でボスも倒せます。, 耐性や装甲値によるダメージ軽減を受けますが、装甲の方は2→4番で装甲を剥がしてから使えば大丈夫です。, 定点系のミッションなら状態異常防止兼攻撃アビリティ兼放射線の状態異常によるタゲそらしもできますが、他のアビリティと組み合わせて使うことで本領を発揮します。, 2→3番(逆でもおk)で装甲値加算のバフ(Iron Ranewal)、2→4番で範囲内の敵の装甲剥がしですね。特に、装甲値加算のバフは3番を発動していれば維持できるのでかなり優秀です。, 毎秒ヘルス回復はそこまで高くありませんが、装甲地のバフもできるので思っているよりも固くなります。高レベル帯かつ耐久力の低いフレームがいるなら増強MODも有用。, 2番の効果とは別に状態異常の解除もでき、こちらは掃滅のような移動の多いミッションでも発動しやすいですね。, ただし、ターゲットに比例して消費エネルギーが増えていくため、Nekrosの4番との相性がめちゃ悪いので注意しましょう。, 範囲CCと装甲剥がしがメインですが、意外と威力が高いので低レベルの敵なら4番だけで倒すこともできます。, OBERONのアビリティは威力を上げることの恩恵が非常に大きいので、できるだけ伸ばしましょう。, 威力MOD。Blind Rageを入れる場合は、3番の消費エネルギーがきついので何かしらの対策が必須。, 効率175%、時間40%で3番の秒間消費エネルギーが最低になるのと、時間が短すぎると2番が使いにくいのでFEを入れるならPrimed Continuityを入れるのがおすすめです。非Primedだとちょっと短いかもしれません。, 効率を落とす場合はRage系のMODも有効。しかし、ヘルスでダメージを受けないといけないので高レベルミッション用になります。, Rnewalの影響下にいる味方が死亡するだけのダメージを受けたとき、死亡する代わりに3秒間無敵になりヘルスを一定量まで回復します。, 4番の装甲値剥がしが早く終わりますし、4番を使わなくても優秀なので他に理由がなければCPがおすすめ。, 低レベルの掃滅用ビルド。亀裂掃滅に行ったときに野良OBERONが4番でそこそこ敵を倒していたのでちょっと真似してみました。, まだまだ試行錯誤中ですが、大体30レベルぐらいまでのグリニアの雑魚なら1~2発で倒せます。, 普段はEQUINOXを使っているのですが、OBERONの4番はオブジェクトにダメージが入らないのでコーパスのガラスを割りたくないときに良さそうです。, メインアビリティ。ダメージもそこそこあり、射線が通っていなくても攻撃できるのでけっこう範囲攻撃としても優秀なアビリティですね。, モーションが少し長めですが、空中で発動できるのでバレジャンとエイムグライドしながら発動すればそこまで気になりませんでした。, アビリティ威力は対応できるレベルに関わってきます。ちなみに、このビルドなら時間をがっつり落として大丈夫です。, PS4 MR23のヘタレテンノです

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